Jumat, 16 Oktober 2009

mungkin ini bukan hal yang pertama kali aku lakukan
setiap pertemuan yg terjadi selalu berakhir dengan penyesalan
dan itupun karena kebodohan yang kulakukan
tak tau apa yang harus aku lakukan untuk menghilangkan kebiasaanku itu
kepolosanku..kecuekanku..membuat semua itu hilang
tanpa sadar aku telah menyakitinya
sudah kurubah kebiasaanku itu
tapi rasa itu yang membuat kebodohan itu muncul kembali
mungkin tak ada harapan tu meraihnya lagi

ya allah berilah kesempatan lagi padaku
mungkin kali ini kebodohanku itu tidak akan muncul kembali
aku sangat ingin meraihnya...

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

my father is my hero

I have a great father, he is very handsome, smart, and his hair is a bit. I always love him, because without him, I will not here now. he has a thick mustache, so...he looks like a fierce person. he is tall and fat, because he like eat. and many people said that my father looks like El Manik.

my father han a good character, he is discipline and diligent. although he is very busy, but he can clean a garden and drain aquarium. and he isn`t shy to wash his car. I think taht is a matter rare, because I`m haven`t since a man like him. my father not prestige to work that. my father is a hard worker, because he is a bussinessman, so his work time is not constant. and one think that I like from my father`s character is he know what I need. and sometimes he gave me what I want, if he think that is a important and useful. from his character, I get more inspiration and motivation. for example, although became a rich people, we must be humble, not prestige, not arrogant, diligent to do something, and never give up.

so I have motto about him "my father is my hero". maybe all people agree with me about that. I love my father very much. ^_^

Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009

Lupa rencana awal

kelar kuliah rencananya mw mw maen ke kings, tapi perut udah konser underground...
jadi kita makan dulu d botram.........

tp lambreto pizan uy..udah gt kurang puas ma rasanya....ukh BT
pulang dr Botram....ujaaannnnnnnnnnnn...uh BT sangat....

tapi jam3 ujannya reda...langsung deh qt go chaw to Kings....
hohoho....pake angkot.... I LOVE ANGKOT

rencana awalnya c mw beli baju batik...
tapi pas muter sana muter sini..n beli ini beli itu..
gada satupun baju batik yang d beli....hahahaha....
pas ada batik yang lucu..duitnya abiz....hehehehe....

dari kings qt k palem permai...d soekarno hatta..
beuh macet pizan...dah mah cape, pegel, blm mandi lg...wiwiwiwiwiw...